There are actually books on going green.
Shit, how ironic.
I do get bangs out of irony.
Mostly these days I only communicate in single sentences. I figured out if generations later decides to quote me, it will make their lives easier.
Here's one on my job -
'At the end of a day in Nursing, sometimes it makes you feel like bits of meat dangling from the bone.'
Here another one on books -
'Borrow only the little ones, buy big books.'
I'm really into it.
Yesterday for the entirety of five hours, I have only this to say -
'Be Kind Rewind at five pm, ticket for one please.'
Only two cinemas in the state were playing Michel Gondry's Be Kind Rewind. There were only three persons in the cinema. Me at the back row and a smooching couple a distance away. Three of us? It's Gondry, for Pete's! Sitting at the back row enjoying the film, I realised that I don't have much in common with people around me. That's probaby why I hated everyone, every stupid one of them.
It's not as if I get bangs out from speaking in single sentences.
Because all it takes is barely a line if you are going spend it all on yourself.
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