Sunday 16 March 2008

As I squat and shit...

As I squat and shit, I read extensively. That's probably why I'm so smart. Sometimes I got so carried away reading that I forgot I was half naked. And when I'm half naked and showing belly button, wind will goes through it and cramp my stomach so bad that I have to shit again. Two separate dumps in a single sitting. I do have rock hard abs. Supply me booze and I can live in a cubicle forever.

Anyway during the last sitting, I was reading a dogeared book of The Archies. And it hit me. Archies and gang are biblical or diabolical, which ever way you would call it.


    Archie - Lust                        Betty - Envy


Jughead - Gluttony               Veronica - Pride                                      

    Reggie - Greed                             Moose - Wrath                                                                                                


                           Pop Tate's Soda Shop - Sloth??!

Scooby Doo and frat gang are not in Archies, I just use that picture cause I can't get better cartoon soda shop images. And these two series sure have a shitload of white folks in it.

                                   P.S: I used to have a crush on Elizabeth 'Betty' Copper.


  1. kind of you to share your bowel movements with us, sir! LOL

  2. i'm incredibly proud of the movement.

  3. And all the more power to you bro! kekeke

    Clearing the ole "pipes" is very important to our health! :)

  4. otherwise too much toxins will cause cancer

  5. Jughead was gay and bulimic too.Which is why he hates girls, hangs around with archie and never gains weight.
    There ! I just solved another mystery.
    Pop Tate was a communist too !
