Tuesday 31 July 2007

The Soothsayer - Exodus (II)

Exodus is a two parter in which the sequel will tell the plight of the Inferno.

Hell upon the Infinite Hours.

In the relinquished lands of shattered time, tempest brimstone of ebb fire, sulphur and smitten evils; the wanton figure of the mortal cripple was the first to awake from their traumatic exit.

Eilert Swane in manky mangled cavity of spit and blood stared at Hell with his swollen eyes from behind a hill of ravaged corpses from both realms had found himself waking in the meaty rubbles of limbs and blood. The skies lit with the raging triplet suns sharpened with a formidable energy of raw venereal, smelt of futile tussles and trepidation of crushing fear electrified the skin and bones. The extrangled sentential host of himself - the Fire Spirit in the form of a star drawn crucifix across the horizon of the Wall seemed to expand with vigour, its flames crawled along the aerial carpets and its proportion swelled vehemently full.

As Eilert sat between his angelic and demonic liberators; both destroyed and lingered with dying breaths, he remembered a lore he once heard when he was little. Three idiots sat beneath the falling skies and thought they had grew so large to fill up to the heaven, celebrated in joy that they will be something else than idiots had their happy brains squashed as the world ended. It was a funny story, Eilert thought, for lore were rarely about dissolution. What moral values could it impart to the young generation if destructions matter?

Eilert began a soft humming of an old German Lutheran hymn taught by Pastor Nathan, 'Christe, Redemptor omnium'. His muffed voice from the soft of his palate reached out into the bristling air, like the invisible wings of a butterfly over the corpses of the hosts and likened to the bleak taste of abandonment and alienation on the tongue of a featherless crow, cawing out the songs of gratitude and redemption to the fallen in the mire of their defeat.

'We are not bleedin' idiots.' Coughed Suicides, the Zephr in grievous injuries. He clawed his talons across the trembling soil, propping himself in a sitting position. 'Mine, mine. That drudge is fast jolly growing!' He commented as he watched the Fire Crucifix burning a distance away, shielded by the mast of corpses.

Eilert laughed and snorted, 'I think I may have pissed blood. It's true, idiots we may not be destined, but it's sure is how things like to end.'

'How's the Cherubim? Dead?' Cloaked Suicides as he tried to get up, for he knew the longer they stayed here, the sooner death becomes them. But, alas the toil of the rescue took away much of him, leaving him battered afflictions, the Zephr fell back to his weakening knees.

'By the scared and the feared, look at the size of that eldritch!'  Claimed Vvael, of Cherubim in thunderstruck, then deeply embarrassed by his spoken thoughts. 'It's shifting and Kepharel no longer could will it.'

'We are truly the three idiots here and now. For idiots watched with awe and awe is coming when the skies are falling. Not total awe though, but horrors beyond horrors. It is coming and brace yourself. It is but a nasty feeling for the skies had truly fallen.' Prepared the wretched human in fear and anticipation.

'You're reckless with words. Only the single-minded knaves fashioned the habit and their lives to tell tall tales to threaten the world, and you had the nerves and the atrocity in this hour to...' Suicides stopped short of his words, allowing them to trail in the long silence while his hand went for his heaving chest. His palpitations were crushing him from within.

'I'm what I am, remember? I hold the truth. In entirety.' Smiled Eilert unbearably that he bit the lips and his tongue so hard from convulsion that they kept bleeding. His head was whirling in swampy murk, hung heavy with giddiness.

Vvael for a moment forgotten the primary wound in his guts and went clawing for his temples, he rolled to the ground crying with nausea. He couldn't stop throwing up. Tears poured from his orifices.

'What is going on?' Cried Vvael, snatching at an invisible pain in the itch of his heart.

'It's heaven.' Said Eilert as he laid on his back and clutching his fists, attempting to tame his convulsions.

And Eilert's words came truest. There was a soundless snapping motion as if the grandest creature of the world broke its heart and died. The silence quivered and dragged the moment as the flying angels from the skies all fell to the ground and cried for mercy. The demons howled in exasperations and Vvael realised the ultimate of all horripilations combined had happened.

'It's heaven.' Realised Suicides, as he stared blankly into the space and his tears flowing. 'The angels invaded us but it was their home, it was heaven that went first.'

'It's burst.' Completed Vvael. 'It burst just like that. The paradox of the entanglement between the two planes feeding off each other came true. Without one, the other perished in order.'

'Yes. Just like that.' Muttered Eilert in quiet eulogy. 'And we are next...'

The Fire Expurgate burnt brighter and seemingly growing. It looked more like a tree in combustion than a charring crucifix. Hell wobbled for a while. The angels picked themselves up from their sorrows of Heaven's passing and prepared themselves in defensive stance. A new enemy? Lucifer? Hell shook again, split the ground and the sour warmth of the air stung their eyes. They fell back against one another. They were surrounded by the wrath of Hell itself. The Fire Spirit swelled to a triple size and continued to jet hairs of fire into the infernal skies. It was like a blooming tree of flames, blazing scorched growth into the warmth of the aerial atmosphere until the clouds hung heavily with the dripping flames. It made a sound of soft macabre at first. Then Hell hurled again, sweeping the angels off their feet. The inferno terrain cracked like a shattered mirror.

The tongues of fire tried to eat the triplet suns but they burned brightly in resistance. A cumbrous belch from the Fire Tree a distance away as if trying to add strength to consume the suns pulverized the basalt. The suns exploded violently and rained flares. They shot down like piercing meteorites, slaying some hundred angels and demons alike. The rest scurried for shelter. Soon the entirety of Hell's ceiling was devoured by Fire Fir's flames.

The angels realised that it was too late to flee as there were nowhere to take wing.

'You meddlers!' Roared Kepharel with maddeningly eyes as he found the mortal, the angel and the devil behind the carneous hill. Kepharel himself was heavily damaged from his war with the Infernal dragon, used his sword as a clutch. His entourage of loyalist followed closed behind, they were all too with tears in their eyes from the passing of the glorious Silver City, each muttering prayers beneath their lips.

'Kill them all! Annihilate them all!' Barked Kepharel in raucous dismay. Of foremost of his schemes, he hadn't plan on wiping out his homeland. The wayward bound of his ideals suggested strongly that he had to act from will now, instead of depending on the vision given by Yahweh. But it was in Yahweh's devices, that he was the chosen Epoch! How have things led to such end, where such he could no longer bring his angels home?

Ndmh, of Dominions in his battle weary form spoke out against their leader, 'It is of utmost importance that you domesticate the rampancy of the Fire Colossus! Be advice that with the growing demise that Hell could no longer wield the refuge and stand to encumber the same straits of The Silver City!'

'Stand down, Ndmh!' Ordered Kepharel, 'The Silver City... The Silver... These three must have ordinate the death of Heaven somehow. Seek vengeance!'

'Ha! Boy, just admit to your minions!' Spat Suicides in a grim laugh, 'You no longer can will your Fire Pygmy now, can you?'

To that resort, Kepharel offered no debate. His bloodied fists shook with a helpless rage as if the devil was right.

'Kepharel.' Ndmh pursued further in a firmer tone, 'Are you able to will your Fire Spirit?'

Kepharel looked at Ndmh with his fluttering eyelashes, his porcelain features splashed with the silence of his blood remained as it was, his eyes deepen with an inner confusion that he could not fathom, a suggestion of his power decline.

'Are you still in control of this war?' Asked Ndmh, drawing a step away from their leader.

Kepharel peered gloomily at the brimming star of an incinerating tree and muttered to himself, 'Surreal. This is not supposed to be it. I have the reins. I hold the truth. I am the becoming.'

'Kepharel.' Ndmh asked for the third time. 'The angels are dying. What are we going to do now? What is your plan now?'

Kepharel kept his trembling eyes, full of tears in view of his estranged weapon of destruction, now it seemed to be cause of their destruction as well. Flashes of fiery bolt rained forth endlessly, lighting all creatures in golden luster, tearing them holes in torsos and splitting limbs apart. Kepharel quivered, 'this is not how I had seethe. Not like this!'

'Kepharel!' Declared Ndmh as he drew his sword, 'I have no choice but hereby relieve you of your charge to the Hosts and commit my command in your place.' Ndmh turned to the dust embroiled angels, 'Keep your loyalty with Kepharel if you desire, for those who will not see to their own annihilation fight with me!'

Another basal agitation growled as the Fire Fir belched in its blossoming, sending burning arrows of firestorm, seeing to the massacre of the creatures in Hell. Ndmh gave orders for two dozen of hosts to surrounded the Fire Fir in mid-air, valiantly beneath their shields against the firestorm, each reached out a claw towards the Fire Fir. The Fire Fir as if expecting resistance, began to swing its overbearing branches of flaming trunks and leaves to smite the darting angels. The intensity of the angels' concentration was so severe that rain of fire bounced right off their field of focus and static seemed to be rushing to the monstrous Tree.

'No! Don't be foolish!' Roared Kepharel in desperation.

The formation of the angels cruised their energies in unison and cast serial mean-spirited waves of blinding chain lightning bolts. The Fire Fir cried in agony and seemingly cowered down in defeat as the flashes of their attacks exploded simultaneously, smashing its talons of branches away. The sizzling statics lit a dome powered by the lightning of the angels as they concentrated to spend all their strength to booster the kill.

'Stop it! Stop it!' Cried Kepharel, he tried to proceed to the formation site, but was hindered by his injuries. 'You don't understand, if it went berserk, attacking it will only make it worse!'

The chain lightning were draining all of their powers, but the Fire Fir appeared not to back down. With a roar of defiance, it rose with its wicks of spanning branches of golden flames, spun in fury and knocked the wind out of the angels. Expecting more assaults, the Fire Fir bellowed deeply in pain and cracked itself straight down to a half. It's half of fiery bastion heckled and began to mould its shape unlike the tree. It grew long limbs of fire and a dark mouth as the only feature in its effulgent appearance. It was fast and sprung towering to the angels, slaughtering them in a single blow in furious claws. It ran on fours and spat arraying liquidated flames, appearing like a giant rabid wolf. It seek out the remaining creatures of demons and angels, chewing them in hurry. The Fire Fir resumed it's stance and continued to focus on its expansion.

'Ndmh. That is pure judgment you are fighting. The odds are not on your side ' Said Oriaries, of Cherubim accompanied by Higelot, of Virtues, emerging at last in the lands of mutilated flesh.

'Judgement, Oriaries? I fear we had abandoned the dire fear of being judge the minute we've descended to Hell.' Jeered Ndmh in a mouthful of blood as his chest was crushed by the strength of the Fir. The Fiery Wolf as it screamed hysterically, exploding the atmosphere in crushing hue of black and yellow. From the ashes, the Fire Fir raised a dozen more Herculean creatures of brimming claws and hungry jaws. It was determined to annihilate all.

'Let us be or trial us, whatever it is, be fast.' Spat Ndmh as he regrouped his forces. Ndmh boomed his hoarse voice to the defeated mass, 'Hosts! Strike them until reckoning! We will not go down without a fight!' He became the first to arraign, leading as an example. The desperate angels war cried and joined Ndmh, accelerating into their doom.

Oriaries called out to the fallen and the Hordes in favor of Ndmh, she urged them to join the hosts, their very harbingers of destruction to fight against the Wolves and the Tree. Her argument that their collaboration at this point will be vital to their survival and that the hosts had indeed suffered foolishly with the nullification of The Silver City as retribution for their greed.

Having enough of being strike down helplessly, the Hordes reworked their war machines and fired offences back to the Wolves, while its fitter kins soared into the steaming atmosphere and faced them head on. The Hordes were nevertheless reluctant to fight alongside with the hosts, they banded themselves together to attack a Feral while the Hosts concentrated on another, the surge in numbers favored their warfare and kept the Wolves from wiping out everything.

'Have you realised what you just did?' Said Kepharel wide eyed to Oriaries.

'I know the truth behind them, Kep. I certainly know what I had done and of most, yours... I had Higelot uncovered your trails and we knew what you had and perhaps much more than you.''

Higelot began. 'I tracked your tracks right back to the Old Throne of His Glory just before The Silver City crumbled and found out the truth behind your Fire Monster of the Danish Mountains. Vvael, surely being one of the Cherubim there in witness of the Rebellion, you must have found the Fire Beast familiar.'

'The Rebellion Of Pride? Where Samuel was strike down by Father ten hundred thousand years ago. He was struck down by the Fire of Judgment!' Recalled Vvael in realisation, now understanding why he had saw the statue of Lucifer in the mind of Eilert Swane.

'You must still be a cherub back then.' Suggested Oriaries to Kepharel, 'And our Father struck Samuel down with His Fire. You were there. And you went back, didn't you? You went back for the soft burning barrage. Through the lingering flames, you saw your desire to rule. It made you thought you were chosen. That luster of Judgment marred with the Samuel's desire. You kept it, and planned it all along. You imbued it into a mortal and your plans work out fine. Eilert Swane was never a dream eater, nor soul burner. He was a walking judge. The true sin eater. You got here. You got Hell. You got everything save one thought. That we are on the stand now. That we can be judged too.'

'I was there by His Will. He wanted me to possess His Fire. I was the chosen one!' Hissed Kepharel. 'For I hath seen through His eyes!'

'Look around you, young rouge.' Offered Oriaries, 'Is this what you had seen in your visions? The destruction of both realms? The fire and the darkness. This belongs to the dreams of a soothsayer, not an Epoch. These were all what he saw in his visions. The end is nigh. He had meant that for us. This judgment had meant for us all along. Of all of us, it was the mere mortal who was above us.'

'What?' Asked Kepharel, turning around to see Eilert.

Eilert Swane smiled, almost with pride. 'Yes. I have allowed myself to participate in your scheme. Judgment is nigh. Haven't you been listening to what I had been saying my whole life? You had indeed made me dreamt into becoming what you want me to be, but I had seen much more. I had seen the downfall of God's firstborns. Who is the puppeteer and who is the puppet now?'

A shadow swooped down with the raining hailstorm of meteorites. So swift and silent that it was undetected by the hosts.

'Look at us. Scrambling for allies, trading loyalties and plotting against one another during Father's absence.' Croaked Vvael in shame. 'It's a domino sprung in action that we have basely fulfill all that takes to lead us to our destructions. We are all nothing better than the damned marching towards their end in their judgment.'

'Ndmh and the Hordes are not able to hold out any longer!' Alerted Higelot over the maniacal screams of the Fiery Wolves as they tried to smite the titillating warfare by the angels and the demons. Hell shook violently as if it could no longer contain the fight it had pregnant. The Tree had became the skies. 'These hide of the hill won't able to hide us from the Wolves and the meteorites.'

The Zephr sniffed the air and picked a scent. It was a scent that the devil carried his entire life. He knew that it was going be very interesting soon.

'The entrances of Hell were all gone and so were the exits. However I have come to contemplate an alternative.' Suggested Oriaries grimly, 'the mortal realm that I had suspended, it seemed to be the last places of the worlds that His judgment had not beamed on. The legions of Cherubims wait there. However, there will be a heavy price to pay.'

The Zephr saw the shadow that was sneaking onto them and surprised at its animosity.

'The only way to join the mortal world now was through the Valley Of Passing. It was supposed to be a one-way trip for dead mortals. Though it won’t dissipate the Hosts if they tried to go through it, but with reversing such nature, will cost us our stations as the Hosts.’ Offered Oriaries solemnly.

‘So be it, comrade.’ Said Vvael. ‘At least we live. Whether we will it or not, we are already judged in His eyes, along with the treacherous and the vile.  This is no more salvation at this point of time, perhaps if we lived long enough, working in His grace, Father would return and take us in his blessing again.’

It was Balthial, mute and disillusioned that had descended to the fleeing Kepharel. Her name was the last word that Kepharel ever tried to sound. Balthial struck the jeweled sword of Oriaries deep into the young angel's back. She twisted and wedged the blade so viciously, making sure that Kepharel had suffered every bit of her wrath.

'Balthial! What are you doing?' Yelled Oriaries as they rushed to Kepharel's aid.

Balthial stood with crestfallen eyes at the demise of the world's end. The world that she was charged with the highest order. Her tears ran blood pellets down her soft cheeks and her shivering lips clattered in rage. She raised the sword and plunged away at Kepharel's face. Oriaries grabbed Balthial away but Kepharel was already dead.

Balthial didn't celebrate her vengeance, but cried more blood at how things had come to such. She allowed Oriaries' sword to fall from her grip and knelt strengthlessly to the floor. Oriaries hugged Balthial tightly in her arms as she felt the protege of Gabriel growing sicker and sicker from her fate.

'We have to act now.' Said Oriaries as she hushed and comforted the sobbing Balthial who was now rendered to a defenseless child with her hands full of blood. In a distant, she could hear the indignant voice of Ndmh, 'Stop them from spawning more! This is madness!'

'To the Eastern end, you will find the Valley of Passing unscathed and intact.' Said Oriaries as she unfurled her wings. 'I will create a diversion that give you a moment to escape. Higelot, use that opportunity to gather as much survivors, be it the Hosts or the Hordes. Save as much as you can. Take them without discrimination. Ensure the safety of Vvael and the mortal. And promise me that you will take good care of Balthial. She needs it.'

Before Higelot could protest, Oriaries said, 'Only I can hold them off now.' She turned to Suicides, 'Iahmel, please help gather all the surviving Hordes the best you can. It's so nice to see you after so long.'

The Zephr stared silently at the Cherubim. Despite his refusal to acknowledge, he knew that this was the only chance the Hordes had in face of extinction.

Oriaries to Eilert Swane, 'your campaign is by far the most successful of us. As a supposingly meek neutral agent, you have managed to turn the table and destroy Heaven and Hell singlehandedly. Such destiny! Human, I ask of you to answer me truthfully. Is it really Yahweh? Is He back?'

Eilert said, 'I don't know but I had always believe so. Maybe not now that everything is gone, but He will return when it's time.'

Oriaries smiled with eyes brimming with light tears, 'Thank you, that's all I need to know.'

Oriaries took to air with her three pairs of wings and threw a blast of charge at the giant Feral that Ndmh was battling with his burnt wings, the Feral was stunned and smashed onto the basalt. The Wolves gathered closer with curiosity.

Ndmh laughed in harsh irony, 'They kept spawning, it had became a full forest of them, just wanting to tear us apart.'

Oriaries told Ndmh her plan to the mortal world and explained its consequences, 'Get all your defenders out of Hell, angels and demons alike. Your valor had been outstanding. Your fight is no longer in the wretchedness of this arena, you have to rebuild The Silver City in due time, restore His Glory and gain His forgiveness to us all. You have to do it and you can do it.'

'But I am a traitor!' Ndmh claimed.

'So am I when I strike back against his Judgement. We all are in His eyes now. Believe me, one day when Father chose to return, you must lead us back to The Silver City. Only you can do it. Stay with the mortal agent, you will have a lot to learn from him about unwavering Hope and Faith. Those are your primary constructions of The Silver City.' Said Oriaries as she fled off into the mist of the flaming Wolves and meteorites.

Ndmh pulled back the defenders, angels and demons alike. Suicides rounded up the Hordes, while Higelot cast a temporary shield when they had emerged from the fleshy hill and extended it to cover the fleeing creatures of Hell. Oriaries muttered a brief prayer of forgiveness to Yahweh as she sped like a lightening bolt through the Fire into the core of the Tree. Her collision created a blinding effect as the Wolves howled in anguish as if it had hurt them as well.

When the blinding light finally ended, Hell shrieked for the final time in loathsome burden and ceased to exist no more.

To Be Continued...

Saturday 28 July 2007

Chinese Vampire 2

My Fave movie! Chen You handed Wu Ma a short sword while he brought out a board sword for himself. Classic!

Travis - Closer (Music Video)

with Ben Stiller

Travis - Side

Video Clip from UK rock band.

See more in www.musicao.com.br

Texas - In our lifetime

There are things I can't tell you I love you too much to say
I stand undressed but I'm not naked You look at me and who I am
Understand that it is hard to tell you That I've given all I have to give
And I can understand your feelings But then everybody has a life to live
Once in a lifetime You have seen what I've seen
You will always swim for shore Once in my lifetime (hey, hey)
I'll never be in between Some things you just can't ignore
Now reach out, you can touch me I'll let you have my life to share
Years, the days and the minutes Yeah time has such a puzzling grace
Understand that it is hard to tell you That I've given all I have to give
And I can understand your feelings But then everybody has a life to live
Once in a lifetime You have seen (ah, ah, ah) what I've seen
You will always swim for shore Once in my lifetime (hey, hey)
I'll never be (ah, ah, ah) in between Something you just can't ignore
I just need to have your love I just can't say no
It's a gift from way above I just can't say no
(Ooh) it's the one big difference If there's one thing I can't have
I just can't say no, I just can't say no
Hey, hey, hey
Once in a lifetime You have seen what I've seen
You will always swim for shore Once in my lifetime (hey, hey)
I'll never be in between (I just can't say no)
Some things you just can't ignore
(I just can't say no, hey, hey, hey)

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Hanes Commercial


Friday 13 July 2007

Smashing Punkins - Porcelina of the Vast Oceans

the rock and roll poetry

As far as you take me, that's where I believe The realm of soft delusions, floating on the leaves On a distant shoreline, she waves her arms to me
As all the thought police, are closing in for sleep The dilly dally, of my bright lit stay The steam of my misfortunes Has given me the power to be afraid
And in my mind I'm everyone And in my mind Without a care in this whole world Without a care in this life It's what you take that makes it right
Porcelina of the oceans blue In the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts
The light of all that's good, the light of all that's true To the fringes gladly, I walk unadorned With gods and their creations With filth and disease
Porcelina, she waits for me there With seashell hissing lullabyes
And whispers fathomed deep inside my own Hidden thoughts and alibis
My secret thoughts come alive Without a care in this whole world Without a care in this life It's what you take that makes it right And in my mind I'm everyone In my mind I'm everyone of you
You make it right It's all alright You make it right Porcelina of the oceans blue

Thursday 12 July 2007

There's 52 crows in a field of blood


Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness (1995)

Genre: Alternative Rock
Artist:The Smashing Pumpkins
‘Love is suicide…’

‘You said something?’

‘Hmm… Nope?’

‘You did. You are talking to yourself again.’

‘I think I got a song struck so deep inside there (points to my forehead), and just keeps looping.’

‘What song is that?’

‘Trust me. You won’t prefer it.’

And when I discovered just the other day I was mumbling, ‘And through her window shades, I watched her shadow moved…’ I realized that I had to cure the itch. I had to have Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness.

This post was supposed to be a response to Jeniong’s entry on Smashing Pumpkins. Such coincidence that I had been running MCIS overdrive in my mp3 player for the past two weeks that Jeniong decided to raise a loyalty question on SP.

This entry was supposed to blog instead of a review, but due to a certain commitment issue I had in my blog section, I have decided to post it here.

Introduced by a friend when I was fifteen, MCIS was part of our lives for almost a decade, whether it was in our jamming sessions or plain conversations. Revisiting them again was refreshing and purifying. I had been listening to too much horseshit recently that my soul had been clogged with auditory filth like Snow Patrol, Fallout Boy and Jay Chou. It was refreshing in regards to the choices of songs this time round, revealed that I had grown as a SP fan.

I say, Fuck Tonight, Tonight.

Fuck Zero.

Fuck Bullet with Butterfly Wings.

Fuck 1979. (I take that back.)

Fuck Billboard, MTV and Grammys, platinum and more shit that made them radio friendly.

Radio friendly is a crime.

These are the songs we and many millions SP fans lived and breathe religiously for years, yet there are real gems in MCIS.

I had been running songs like Jellybelly, Lily, Here Is No Why, To Forgive, Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans, XYU and Love overdrive these days.

And their leader, the undisputed song of MCIS is Bodies.

'The empty bodies stand at rest
Casualties of their own flesh
Afflicted by their dispossession
But no bodies ever knew'

'Bodies' is a song that makes you want to crank up your stereo in the mid of the night so that everyone can hear Corgan screaming, 'Nobodies ever knew.'

'Bodies' is a song that makes your thumb sore from trying to full blast in your mp3 player, while cursing your earphones are impotent to cast the song's full strength and makes you purchase a bass orientated/crisp strings sounding headphone to accommodate your needs.

'Bodies' is a sorrowful song of decay, void of pussy whining emo and horseshit cries for intimacy. It did not swells with pretentious and meaningless lyrics like Zero.

'Bodies' is a song that makes you want to drum the whatever innards of your commute.

'Bodies' is a song that makes you want to listen to it, clocking another twenty hours a week, so that you could tribute it in a review that no one probably reads, but deep down you know it matters.

MCIS provided a range of music, supposingly mimicking the circle of life to end.

Best percussions effort showcasing the awe talent of Jimmy Chamberlin - Jellybelly.

Song that sound a little too much like tracks from Garbage - Love.

Songs to listen when you are silting your wrists - To Forgive, Stumbleine, In The Arms Of Sleep, Thirty Three.

There are even songs to cater to your craving for horseshit songs should your withdrawal symptoms kicked in halfway (mind you, MCIS is two hour playtime), there is always James Iha with his fraggy Take Me Down. Never fails.

P.S: Shiok! You peeps won't know how great it is to write about something else after a four month hiatus.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

The Soothsayer - Conscription

The Suspended World of Mankind, Denmark, 1894 - The Vacant Town Of Tainted Seal.

Degaliel, Of Cherubim wandered off in sheer boredom, from the flock of thousands of Cherubic defenders in lieu of Inferno's possible invasion of Earth.

For the young Cherubim waited long with waning patience and a soundless neighbouring city, though suspended by the powers of The Great
Oriaries, was filled with alluring sights and colors that beckoned Degaliel to venture.

Folks paused stop from their way to work in the dusky morning, street lamps frozen like yellow lumps and the mist appeared shimmering in its muted struggle to dissipate. Everything looked like an art piece from the museum. Degaliel trotted her bare feet, with soft brilliance melting the dusk with her wings, she explored the city filled with mannequins blissfully ignorant of their fates that came crumbling down.

They were like dolls, with curious eyes and eager expressions, probably wanting to get ahead in life. 1849; the beginning in the course of history that brought violence to the corners of Europe with its working class revolutions, as if a poetic reflection to the events that took place by the hungry youths in The Silver City.

Their idyllic township tucked away from the mandates of Amsterdam's ruler-ship and its eventual displacement into constitutional monarchy did not troubled its citizens. However, no matter cities if regardless sizes, were preoccupied with their war with the Prussians. Perhaps, that was why the government was so inclined to possess the mythical monster of Fire so desperately.

Degaliel belonged to the infantile ranks of the Great Cherubims, had never set foot in the realm of mortal sins before, was fascinated with the tragedies beneath each human creature she encountered. In the mortal world, happiness unlike in Heaven was not a basic attribute but a far twisted version of emotion which could only be place with the likes of self gratification and delusive assurance. It was more of a process of in which its environment and the human culture abused its beings to the breaking point where they could only appreciate random things like sunlight, music and even feed off each other's tragedies. Perhaps that was why these mortal folks looked up to their kind whom could rise beyond their personal miseries, and not to be castrated by their wretched destinies and miserable backgrounds.

They said the world had become a more and more difficult place to survive, despite the advancement of its technology and science. It was their spirituality that requires saving. Yahweh had left his creations to their own devices, and it had proved such heartbreaking impacts in their lives. It was true that they had gotten more convenient and smarter, but they walked around with holes in their hearts. They couldn't sleep with ease in most nights and they thought about ending their lives every single day.

Degaliel found a pair of lovebirds in the gloom of a park. Agenthe, the girl which looked no more past her sixteen birthday was laying on the thighs of an older man, Emil.  Degalial sat with them, attempting to learn what was making the smiles on their faces. The nearby lamp was rock of glow with little moths hanging around it like stars to the moon. Apparently, the lovebirds had spent the entire night, probably talking away until the dawn cracked.

Degalial looked at Emil. She realised that Emil was married and that he hadn't told his naive girlfriend. And Agenthe was so in love with the two timing Emil! Degaliel could make Agenthe learnt the truth with a snap of her fingers. Degaliel squirmed and looked into their futures; after Agenthe knew that Emil was married, she was so obsessed with the loss of her innocence, that she harassed Emil and his family again and again until she appeared one day in their doorstep, doused in pig blood and hung herself in front of Emil's wife and children.

Degaliel was a little surprised by the course of events that could led to upon a simple truth. Degaliel looked into the possible future if she had made Emil eloped with Agenthe to a faraway place where their love could sustain; the youngest of Emil's son would grow up in void of love and full of poverty, engaged in a terrible heist on the date of his fourteen birthday with his friends and a gun that would take the lives of five innocent people, furthering altering and endangering fifty other lives in their network of collision.

Degaliel walked on the soft mud of the park to the lamp and plucked away a brown moth to examine the tiny creature. What if? Degaliel thought, if she had made Emil and Agenthe upon unsuspenion, as if waking up in amnesia, believed that they had never fall in love before and then leave each other forever. Degaliel looked again and realised that they would meet again as strangers three years later in this park and became lovers all over again. Such verbosity of the nature in love! Degaliel looked into their fates and counted that it would take at least a hundred bouts of divinity interventions and at least two disasters of huge proportions that would implicate more than a thousand lives to stop them from falling in love. And one of that disasters involved apocalypse in which Hell will engulf lives on Earth.

Degaliel smiled with a sighed and placed the brown insect back to the surface of the air. Perhaps in their short fervent lives, lying with each other in the park was the ultimate happiness that humans could wish to obtain, and this was everything to them. Not wanting to ruin that, Degaliel did not alter the lovers' fate in any way. Degaliel wanted to explore the rest of the city, but she wanted to sit with the lovers, busking in the maddeningly glister of the love. Degaliel split herself into two entities, with one sitting in the park with Emil and Agenthe, while the other self explored the morning city.

Degaliel passed rows of dew moisten windows along the blocks of buildings down the turn of the street. The mail office, the grocery store, the dance school and other quiescent architectures of a singular pattern cambered beneath the distant half light of an impotent sun. It's shadow was the township's surname with breaths so poignant and immutable. Degaliel skipped in front of her reflection through the glass window and was amused by it. The Silver City was practically raised on glass, yet the hosts never spared a thought for their reflections. It was refreshing to learn that how some creatures of this world could triumph or decline just by mere aging skins and bones. Degaliel paused in her play and listened in the paralyzed echo of this funny little world. She was not entirely alone on Earth.

Degaliel's twin had stopped wondering about the affection between Emil and Agenthe and went further deep into the somber park. She returned with a shard of glass and a can of morning dew. With an angle facing the lovebirds, she projected their shapes into the morning dew in which their fuzzy images came to motion in the can. Degaliel's twin could watch the romanticism of Emil and Agenthe as if they had been unsuspended. Under the indecency of sunlight through the trees in the park, she watched the lovebirds reacted their passion with kisses and muted whispers that drew secret giggles. She watched Emil's burly hand over Agenthe's waist and the maiden's fingers running along her lover's beard. She observed as Emil sighed with an invisible burden and Agenthe's pristine comfort that was selfless and divine, as if her bosom was a blanket of a clear sky and her lips sang the hymns of gallantry. Agenthe's face was the morning sun in which would drive away the doloriferous veils from the dusk and bring forth the light into Emil's heavy heart.

Degaliel's twin wondered about the mysteries of their languages and the sensation that their touch brought and gratified their souls. Her curiosity grew with passing moment, intensifying so greatly that she had to act upon it. Degaliel's twin began to snap the shard of glass into dust and sprinkled into the morning dew. She then proceeded to mould medium sized figurines with mud, dead leaves and branches like a sculptor. Degaliel's twin pressed her dolls into the features of Emil and Agenthe. Upon satisfaction, she brought the mud figurines to animation with the drain of the morning dew on their faces.

Degaliel's twin folded her legs like a child and watched earnestly as her figurines staged out Emil and Agenthe's love in dreamy declarations and unbridled exuberance.

After a stretch of time unmarked by the frozen dusk, Degaliel's twin was not satisfied with just watching and listening to the clay borne lovers caught in the twilight moment of mortal euphoria. Degaliel's twin needed the participation, she needed to feel what the Emil and Agenthe went through. She mashed up the mud figurines and gathered more dirt in her arms. She went to a strong and sturdy maple tree and plastered the earth on its trunk. Upon completion, Degaliel's twin hugged the tree tightly with fingers clawing into the wood, her tears bursting through her sore eyes and her heart wanting to feel love.

For Yahweh had absconded for too long.

With a long deep sigh, Degaliel's twin pulled out a radiant creation of a man from the tree who was designed to love her and nothing else.  The twin then flew her lover into the mist of the trees and settled on a nice brunch. She felt the lines in his palm, tracing to the popping veins at his wrist into the dale of the forearm. She felt him brushing away the fringes of her golden locks, his eyelashes to her eyelashes and their pupils met with constrictions of attention. The hearts were in their lips as she heard him whispering his first words in her ears. The message formidable and stung the flesh of the ear gently. Her heart was in her ear and his was in his words. Their toes greeted with passion in a smaller wars of their own. Her lover held her from behind and rested his forehead between her scapulae, the weight of his shoulder pressing and his warmth suppressing the coldness of the marrow.

The twilight blinkered.

Degaliel who was standing outside the soda shop peering her sight through the morning crowd to see what was moving towards her. Could Oriaries' enchantment over the mortal plane be altered? Degaliel braced herself to a stroke of posture as she prepared herself for battle. To the end of the street, the flawless Degaliel ventured, with her proud wings spanned willowy despite the suspended breeze.

It was a whimpering fox, leaving a braze of blood trail in its wake. It cawed softly to the angel. Degaliel turned quickly to look at the town, as if expecting the spell to be broken and its people awaken to witness her. But the sleepy town remained frozen with only two creatures breathing at this moment. The magic was flawed! But Oriaries had been powerful beyond her worlds, either it would take a higher divine intervention to crack her charm, or that Oriaries was in too deep with the troubles in Hell so much that the distance was cutting her off from her instructions. Degaliel held the dying fox in her arms, with an understanding that the fox must have free itself from a hunter's trap in the local woods but had grew delirious from its mortal injuries and wandered into the town. If only it had the intelligence to appreciated the suspension of Earth's nature, for the townsmen, if unsuspended would care less for the little dying beast.

When Degaliel healed the fox's wound, the winds of the world restored. Soon, a flood of strong breeze found its way into every corner of the world. It tipped the hats and scarves off the human beings and rocked the boats wobbling in its still waters. The winds made sounds from dry throats and hollow caves. Degaliel thought its revival had to do with her intervening from saving the fox's life. Then it produced more. The skies moved by the carrion of winds, swollen with darker clouds and flashes of lightnings swam among them. Degaliel saw a pair of shooting stars drawn from the horizon to the darkness of the fall. The winds determined to cracked open the harden seas and exploded splinters of ice shards all over. The skies was red and unbearable. Blood red. It wasn't her doing, Degaliel decided. Something was happening to The Silver City. She felt that the rest of the Cherubims reacting. She had to fall in with them. The skies looked as if it would burst any moment now. Degaliel had to get to her twin first. She let go of the whining fox and proceeded on her way.

Degaliel reached the shadowy park where she left her twin with Emil and Agenthe. Her twin was laid dead on the floor of the dirt with a heap of smitten clay mess all over. Emil and Agenthe sat in their bench, with frozen eyes admiring each other, unaffected by the deaths. Degaliel held her dead twin in her arms, her twin had been crying when she died. Degaliel touched the forehead of her twin and learnt the wilful story of their creation and love.

'You wanted to feel the mortal love. And mortal love hurts most in all realms combined.' Said Degaliel softly to her twin, as if reciting a eulogy. 'Creation is never difficult. To emulate Father in his works is a dream shared by all worlds. Mortal love is a self abused addiction. Perhaps that's why Father had left in the first place. And you have learnt it in its hardest way.'

The heart broken twin swayed by the overbearing winds and blew into dust on the heap of her lover's clay torso. The skies were brimming with murder. Degaliel hasten her pace to her kinsmen.

To Be Continued...