Thursday 29 June 2006

Superman Returns (2006)

Genre: Action & Adventure
I had never fell asleep inside a cinema before. Not especially when I had forked out the money for three tickets. (I caught it with my two brothers.)

I fell asleep in this latest big blue scout's blockbuster.

Blockbusters are over-rated.

Comic-movies are over-rated.

The two-stars are for Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor and Bryan Singer's appetite for flight and refreshing cinematography.



  1. So its still a disappointment?

  2. He never support Superman. But Batman. Last sat Superman dress as Batman and fight crime for him in Superman series in kids central. lol.

  3. actually batman movie is only okay nia.

    superman dress up as Batman, really ar?

    how come like that?

  4. It was a superman series. Bruce being control by an alien to build a rocket. And crime in gotham keep increasing, Robin can't handle alone. Superman went to check and the detective called for batman. So Superman decide to check out what's happen to bruce and dress up as batman.

  5. Nice!

    Hey, Wei, maybe you're right. One person who's seen it hated it, though another loved it. I haven't seen it yet, though. I'm more excited about Pirates of the Caribbean II.

  6. dude u still have time to watch tv?

  7. I got a TV card in my comp. I can always record and play it later.
