Monday 9 March 2009

Pissin' The Night Away

It's only natural that I want it to be all me.

The wedding that we if not everyone else can remember for the longest time.

With rock bands, songs from the nineties, dancing, chinese kites, golden balloons, tapping shoes, movie quotations and flying pies.

It's only natural.

And then the lights go out and I wake up to an authentic traditional let-me-paint-the-walls-with-my-balls super dull wedding banquet. Yes. That all so familiarity in the soaking ten course substandard food that goes round on the table that sits ten strangers and they could barely see the bride or the groom on the horribly decorated stage. With a loud and chesty 'Yam Seng!', the forgettable charade will be over.

I cannot believe that that's no Chumbawumba.


  1. I get knocked down
    But I get up again
    You're never going to keep me down

    We'll be singing
    When we're winning
    We'll be singing!!!

  2. Why cannot play chumbawunba? hahahaa. u get to do this once. so do what u want! :)

  3. i think you're spreading your balls abit too thinly...ahem... anyway... really cute pic...
    pls dun tell me you drew it? =0)

  4. wat' does that means?

    nope not i draw one.
