'There he is... Look at how cute he looks. Like a pink skin piglet waiting to be slaughter.'
It was Dee.
I woke up and looked at them. Dee stood with her hand at the back of her hip. Someone was with her. Someone huge.
I looked around in daze. The babies were gone. The walls remained wrinkled. Drip. A drop of water from the ceiling leaked onto my face.
'Hello!' greeted Dee with a smile. Her 'DELIRIUM' tattoo glittered in the dark of her silhouette. Her partner was smiling at me.
I got up and faced them. No. He wasn't smiling at me. Dee's huge partner was not smiling at me. It only looked like he was smiling because he had nothing on his face; no features, no protruding organs except that wicked rows of canine teeth. It was a happy growl.
'Dee?' I asked. My head spinning with puzzlement. I didn't think I could stomach any further visual shock or mental fuckarow.
'I want you to meet my friend.' Dee exclaimed happily like a little girl. Her herculean friend whom possessed a faceful of teeth greeted me. When he stopped smiling, I could clearly that he had carved a tattoo on his forehead that said, 'SCHIZO'.
Schizo asked if I smoked? I told him I had an ashtray that went missing and if he wanted to smoke, he could if he find the ashtray. And no thanks, I don't smoke. Schizo grinned again and said as long as I don't mind the cigar staining the furniture, he had brought his own ashtray. Schizo wanted to show me his ashtray.
Schizo went outside my apartment for a while and dragged in something with him. That something had a shirt and a tie. That something brought in a trail of blood.
Schizo the brute asked me if I known the person he dragged in. Though the face was awfully familiar but it was the name tag on the shirt and tie that identity the bloody person. It said, 'Supervisor Of Logics And Processing'. He was my boss.
With a swift snap, Schizo unhinged my boss' jaw and tore out his upper skull. Schizo lighted a cigar and dipped its ashes inside the hollowness of my boss' head.
Dee smiled, and asked if I'd gotten the joke? I shook my head. Schizo howled, bit on his fuming cigar and went outside again.
Schizo came back, dragging Senneti, the security superintendent. Senneti was crying away.
'Let see if you'll find this funny?' Laughed Schizo as he strangled Senneti. Poor Senneti kicked and croaked to his death.
Looking at the gray shine of Senneti's bulging dead eyes. It dawned on me. My boss. Logics and Processing. I think I got the joke. Senneti was crippled and strangled. Sanity was crippled and strangled. No way. Where the fuck am I?
Both Dee and Schizo looked at me. They knew what I knew. Iris the co-worker with large eyes. Years, the neighbor with droopy ears. They hadn't been murdered because they were important features. Dee the Delirium. Schizo the homocidal hulk. That left only one person.
Who the fuck am I?
'Let me help you!' Encouraged Dee as if she was coaxing a kid. She threw a piece of clothing at me. It was my work clothes. The red uniform was imprinted with 'PROPERTIES OF ANG WEI KIAT'.
Dee smiled her sweetest and explained, 'Dear, you are his mind.'
To be continued...
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