I... I don't know what to say.
Maybe I should stop thinking stuff. Then maybe it would get better. Maybe they would go away.
I... I don't know what to say.
I gotta stop biting my nails. Some of them were black and bloody. I gotta stop tasting myself.
Maybe if I closed my eyes and count to ten. It would get better. Maybe they would go away.
I opened my eyes. Everything was the same.
Oh God.
Still there.
did I end up here? Such stupid question! This was my room. I woke up
and Dee was gone. Her smell was gone. And they were here. Yes. They
were here. I spent the whole morning realizing that detail.
walls were made of babies' heads. Giant bulbs of crowning heads grew
from the wallpaper. It was as if I was some sick big game hunter whom
had stuffed babies' heads for trophies on my wall. The babies screamed,
blinked, giggled and wailed. They all stared at me. Every corner of my
wall. Every inch.
Run. Just bolt. I needed help. Now.
Ten. God, they are still here.
I think they are hungry. They started crying. Where could I find giant mammaries to feed them?
Run. While I still could. I needed help. Before I hurt myself.
started wailing until they turned green in their faces and puked their
intestines out onto my carpet. They sounded like some twisted concerto
of metals and banshees.
I dragged my feet to the door, with my eyes feasting on the abominated sight on my walls.
The roll of the door knob gave way and the door was opened. I stared at
the corridor of doors. Each one of them said they were room 130.
I knocked on a door and looked down the hallway. It was dark and gloomy. It was the mouth to some bellies of the beasts.
The door clicked opened. I went in and discovered I'm back in my own room of wailing babies' heads.
I ran.
ran as fast as my feet could carry. As hard as my heart could
withstand. I ran like the wind, It didn't matter if I was running down
the stairs to the bellies of creatures. It didn't matter if I fed
myself to them. I ran. I ran some more. Spiraling down the stairs. I
ran down floors and floors. The wailing never stop chasing. I saw
blurry flashes. I saw gloom. I saw my hairy legs bouncing up and down.
Heels crashing to a stop. I looked and stared. And I ran some more.
ran to the registration counter. Senneti the maintenance, security and
and the supervisor was not there. I ran outside the building.
skies were an odd color. The smell in the air... It was odd. The colors
of the street were washed up. There were not a soul of the streets.
Newspapers flew around the pavement haughtily and cars were silence in
their places. Something dropped from the skies. I think it could be
More stuff fell. They landed softly onto the gravel and opened up like umbrellas. Proboscis
and colored wing spans. They were butterflies. Many followed. It was
raining butterflies. Like an angry hurricane, they swarm towards me
with hunger.
I screamed and beat them off me. I ran back into
the building, into my apartment. I opened the first door that said room
130 and slammed the door behind me fast. I was back in my room. The
babies' heads were sleeping. I drew the curtain. Thousands of
butterflies splattered dead with their insides smearing my window.
Where are you?' I yelled. She was going to be my genie. My personal
genie. I looked in the bathroom. She was not there. I looked under the
bed, She was not there either.
The babies on my wall woke up in irritation. They howled and wailed deafeningly.
To be continued...
Oops. I should have started with #1...