The only thing that was good about Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, in short TDKR, that it analyzed why its predecessor Dark Knight was the undisputed champion of Batman long list of franchise movies. Hell, this insight also showcase all of the flaws of every superhero gems that fail across the board in their theatric forms.
Sure, TDKR had a bigger war, stronger enemy, sexier female lead and a menacing batplane, but like any movies without the element of story and acting, had me writing a long and teary farewell note to the 3 freaking hours I had wasted sitting in the dark with yawning strangers. The only person who could act was Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth. Anything else that barely resembled any signs of acting was that nuclear bomb in the truck. Christian Bale as usual was as stoic as Tay Ping Hui. Anne Hathaway grinning dumbly from scene to scene. Morgan Freeman was acting Morgan Freeman acting as Morgan Freeman. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was always staring faraway dreamily as if he was shooting some tampon commercial and was perpetually enjoying an unbridled bliss from his crotch.
F**k this shit.