Tuesday 10 August 2010


'Is there room?' I asked, eyes darting from my feet back to his pebble sized rings on his knuckles then past the lobe of his left ear ring. I counted four topaz rings, one ivory ear ring and the multiple dews forming on the dust of my boots.

'Members only.' The bouncer snorted and waved me away.

''No. You don't. Are you new. No. You are not new. I..I know, I mean I knew you, Terry, James, no, You are fuck, I can't, I don't.' I heard myself breathe. Rapid and empty breaths. I clutched the book across my chest tightly, clawing them with my nails.

'Shit. You are him.' The bouncer recognised, 'Whatever happened to you? You look like shit.'

'Is there room?' I pushed again.

'I don't know.' The bouncer suddenly unsure of what to do, he swung his wall of torso around for assistance. 'Man, it's been too long. You know how it is. People left and they don't come back.'

I looked at him, stared at his aviator shades and saw my thin eyes webbed with redness, clots and desperation staring at him.

'I just take a seat. I will not be of trouble.' my lips quivered. 'Please.'

'The bouncer looked back at the back of the bar, lighted up, shook his head to himself and went off a bit to smoke in the drizzle.

I let myself in the dark cave of the bar, finding my way with memory of the place. I found a dry spot by a wall of glowing table and sat down.

'Did you come to find me?' A hostess in her apron fished out a 2B pencil from her hair and approached my table. I gripped the spine of my book tighter. 'No?' She puckered her moist lips, 'What a shame. What's your order, boy? Same old?'

I stared down the shit-eating tablecloth and said nothing.

'Let me surprise you then.' She suggested, then turned around, 'Oh. I forgot. You hate surprises. But then again, you hate everything.' She smiled.

'It's not true.' I gritted my teeth. But she didn't hear me.

I put my dog-eared book on my lap and stared at it for a long time. I waited for my heart to catch up.

And I waited for the skies to break. Be it night or day, just break so I can see. I can see the stars or the sun or some light to tell me that I can. I can what? I shut my eyes. My eyelashes scratching my my cheekbones.

So I can write.

The book fell off my lap and onto the black floor. Flipping away 400 pages of whiteness. Nothing was written.

The hostess with a name that I could not remember fetched the book for me and laid a beer across my table. 'There you go.'

'I love you.' I glanced at her timidly.

'No.' She stood with the hip angled and a hand on it. 'You don't.'

'I looked back down and drown my beer.

'I hate you.' I said.

'I can live with it.' She walked off. 'Let me get you some more.'

'I can live with it.' I repeated and opened my book. I felt better. I clicked on my pen and stabbed the page with it's tip.

I'm waiting for my friends, two of them.  I hope they show up soon.



  1. sigh.. it's been ages since i logged on to that other user, and i almost didn't recognize who she was..

  2. one is here.

    where the other one?

  3. welcome back...its been a long time.

  4. now i have a complete set, let's order something to drink.

  5. tequila for everybody...on the house!

  6. i'm so glad you guys are still around.

    got an idea, why don't the three of us write a story together? someone start one, then another one put some meat into it or a twist, then the third one ends it. we can link the other two stories that the other two wrote on each of our site? what do you guys think?

  7. Wow...cool idea...I hope we don't mess up the story though, because of our largely different writing styles!
    Also I have a secret to confess...I've gotta girl now (finally!)
    We're in love.
    We're planning to get married soon.

    And you know how much energy goes into these things don't ya?

  8. don't try to weasel out of the storytelling stint.

    then again, congrats. being married gave us two things, we can bitch more abt married life and you being in love can offer a refreshing perspective to the storytelling.

    happy for you, man

  9. Im not weaselling out...no ways...I just wanted to say it out in the right moment...like this here...otherwise I'm ashore for a few more months...so write away my friend!

  10. omg vikas! tequilla is indeed the order for the day! hahaha!

    i've got an exam on Wednesday and i'm furiously cramming. i'm not even going to attempt to peek at the draft because i will be notoriously sidetracked. i will sign in again after the exam.

    better have a long thread by then. cheers!

  11. Yeah...even I'm going on a 'Meet The Parents' session...so I haven't read the draft either!

  12. actually the draft's not it. it's just something i wrote for something else.

    let's plan together on who to start and what theme when you guys are free.

  13. ok let's go! exam's done (i sucked and now must spend eight weeks waiting for the results and not get any decent sleep time then - excellent timing for this project.)

  14. let's write a story together. how should we do this? who wants to start first?

  15. you go. do it now before we all get sucked into our different black holes again. now. NOW.

  16. ok i wilol start, suggestion of order; me, vikas then j?

  17. i finished my draft, will post it on my site by tomorrow. what should i title it?

  18. I missed this plot guys... now what else did I miss?

  19. whoa! sorry ...didn't open multiply for a few days...still in the wedding daze...
    Going out for a week on a beach resort on some work...will see you guys then!

  20. erm so vikas, are you in for this stint?

  21. what do you mean BEACH????? where's the time snap of this message?! aauuugghh!! @_@

  22. whahahah!!!!! how about lianchye, wanna join us to write a story together? each person one entry to continue the story.

  23. OK... start something. Maybe it will drag me out of my hibernation.... I feel old... lol.

  24. what the hell is Vikas doing on the beach at the time of the tsunami??

  25. I think it's ok. India is not in the Pacific rim...

  26. guys guys guys. shall we wait for vikas? or i can start posting? what shoudl i title under too?

  27. please do start posting.. no time like today.. as for title - just find something that suits the post..

  28. oh so he's in india? (he's always at some port.. who knows)

  29. alright , i will start posting tonight after i sandpaper some rough ends. then let's see how we can go from there. if you can, get your frens to join writing as well!! i will titled it something like 'Multiply Untitled Story from multiple writers' Part One.
