Stumbled on an obscure movie at two am - The Oxford Murders starring John Hurt and Frodo. I thought Hurt was great so it's kinda disrespectful that I fastfoward the entire movie just to watch Leonor Watling as the busty nurse. Her angular feature appeals to me and yah, she has great knockers and stimulated several sex scenes with the ever deary Elijah Wood. I don't give two fucks about Elijah Wood. I slept throughout Frodo's scenes in Lord Of The Rings, waking up just to see Helm's Deep and that psychedelic eyeball in the air. How cool is that? Will never be as cool as waking up to Watling making breakfast for me in just an apron.
woah, the most sexiest cloth for female in my life is this!!! Just wearing apron!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!