Sunday 4 May 2008

As Flies To Wonton Boys, Are We To Gods; They Kill Us For Their Sport.

I can't sleep.

It is so hard to be happy.

I am The problem.


  1. I thought it's easy,
    just take care of YOURSELF...

  2. Its easier to be happy when ur not focusing on making urself happy.

  3. Whatever joy there is in this world,
    All comes from wanting others to be happy.
    Whatever suffering there is in this world,
    All comes from wanting oneself to be happy.

    - Shantideva

  4. Hope you don't mind me sharing ... I just heard this at a seminar on Labour Day.

    3 reasons why we are unhappy.

    1) we don't appreciate what we have.
    2) we don't get along well with people, sentient beings, environment, things, etc.
    3) Anger, jealousy, afflictive emotions.


  5. yeah pretty much. it's this stupid stupid heart that i have.

  6. Sorry I missed this. Hope you're feeling better. Probably not that good yet, but at least, less worse.

  7. hope u're feeling much much better. sorry. am no good with words.
