I like conversations. Conversations are different from plain chattering. Good conversations are exchanges of shared or opposing (even better!) opinions on a parallel wavelength of intellect, emotional maturity and constructive mutuality.
I have a good conversation with Hao and Bryan on Christmas night. It was considered a breakthrough for us, finally bringing us out of our usual habitual reminiscing the good old days, sighing on lost fraternities and updating each other on our current job status. I think it had something to do with Hao not playing Cinderella and always had to leave at two three three ow hundred hours, instead Hao stayed back until one in the morning with us. Over cold fries, emptied cups with ice chips and our postures becoming one with the furniture, we brooded on confounding and yet weird topics like southeast asia history, alternative histories, amateur philosophy and religion.
Such conversations require the integrity of both common sense and inquisitiveness. Therefore it is rare, and highly enjoyable.
Good company is much sought after, especially in the holiday seasons. Even Jesus must have friends. But I can't stop wondering if the Apostles ever back talk against him? After all fraternity is not fraternity if it's just sermons without opposition.