Wall Of Gehenna - The Scavenger Peak Under The Three Suns upon the Infinite Hours.The Wall of Gehenna was a fold of sky piercing mountains in icy ebony shades. The landfill of the corpses of the slain devils from the reminiscence of the First War by Michael and his archangels. In disgust of his failure, Satan left the fallen decomposing slowly on the cold slab of the peaks where they were so close to the suns, yet felt no warmth. They were exposed to the torments from the eyeless birds and the biting freeze.
The Wall of Gehenna was not the highest ground in Hell contrary to Kepharel's reason, but it was the only place that was not built with wailing sinners. With The Fire Steward conflagrating sinners; the very foundation of Hell, The Wall might as well soon become the highest terrain in Hell.
Left with seven hundred odd angels, Kepharel took Gehenna and made camp. Not losing any time with the millions of hordes closing in, Kepharel instructed his Fire Servant to scale The Wall.
The foot of Gehenna began a river of blood contributed by what seem like the dismaying defeat by the hosts. Some dozen angels daunted with their doom, surrendered to the fallen.
Vvael, of Cherubim with his wings clipped, the tendons on his ankles severed and his abdomen bleeding, sat in a rusty wheelchair with a silver noose around his waist. No words could express his inner turmoil as he witnessed the massacre of his comrades and the blindness of his protege.
Kepharel looked at Vvael with his bleary eyes, 'Have you lost your tongue as well? Where is your wit on times like this?'
'It is not necessary anymore.' Vavel muttered under his crushing breath, 'It's too late and too redundant for words now.'
Ndmh, of Dominions reported, 'The Fire Behemoth had reached the submit.'
Kepharel gave a tired grin and peered at Vvael, 'Very soon, you will see the greatness invested in me by creation of our Lord. You will no longer deny me when you observe the next very minute.'
To his lieutenants, Kepharel commanded them to clear him a path to the submit. With a spring step, Kepharel unfurled his wings and soared towards the peak.
'Ignite yourself. Eilert Swane.' Kepharel ordered his Fiery Puppet, 'Blossom your fire to the reach of Heavens. You are the lighthouse to the tainted souls. You are salvation.'
The Fire Beast trembled and erupted his flames, like a pillar of fire, his blaze jet into the skies forming a burning crucifix of brilliance.
The Seventh Circle of Hell - The Violent - Forestry of Violent Against Themselves upon the Infinite Hours.By the river of blinking eyes and sulfur soil, Nongchai watched as the world in Hell got up and moved. One by one the subjects in the leafless forestry of the seventh circle stripped themselves clear. The sinners got up from the earth that made entirely of them, the rivers that founded on their eyes and the trees that stemmed from their wretched bodies. Abandoning their stations of punishment, the zillions of sinners walked towards the flaring crucifix in a distance away like moths to a flame.
Nongchai began to understand the desertion.
Hell was in ruins and salvation was offered. Nongchai gathered his innards in the bowel of his arms and followed the crowd.
Hell was done.
Cocytus - Throne Of Lamentation upon the Infinite Hours.
'Twelve! And! Thirty! Billions! Thirteen! And Thirty! Billions!' Squawked the scout with talons. 'Exhaustive! Depletion! Alarming! Alarming! My Highness! Need! To! Act!'
Current lord of the underworld, Asmodai the Terror, Lust and Aggression serpent slanted his creature eyes and growled deeply, 'Let us see.'
Asmodai spread his fourteen draconian wings and took flight with his five black tails behind him. His hundred loyalists followed.
Hell was filled with sinners; seas of them, wretched, jiggered and damned migrating to the search of the burning crucifix.
'The fairy is burning Hell up.' Croaked Asmodai the Infernal, 'You know what it will lead to?'
The scout flapped his wings of sunshine, trying to keep up with Asmodai squeaked, 'Without! The! Sinners! Hell! Is! Never! Never! As! Never! My Happiness! To! Best! We! Pour! All! Hordes! To! The! Frontier! To! Gehenna! To! Wall! To! End! Else! Vanquish! Hell! The! Hours! Drawn! Near!'
'Hell will stay the way it was.' Muttered Asmodai. 'The way Lord Morningstar left it and found it when he returns. The Fire Servant remained a perilous invulnerability to tackle since his physical was unaffected by both realms. I wonder how that fairy got hold of him? Never mind the unthinkable. Suicides is on it. Continue the defense as the way it was. Let the sinners incinerate into mere delusions. To add strength into our defense will be futile as I'm getting the sense that Ziquiel, of Powers had led his troops in aid of the fairy.'
'But! My! Mystery! Hell! Fold! When! There! There! Are! Not! Any! Sinners! Left!' Cawed out the scout.
'Then it looks like we have to raise the wager of this game.' Croaked Asmodai, 'Prepare thyself to attack the mortal realm. We will kill every single Man for every sinners they burnt. We will plunge the souls of mankind into the darkness of Hell and give those pixies the war that they want so badly.'
Hall For Sixteen Departments Of Heart Gouging upon the Infinite Hours'Asmodai is madness itself.'
'As I said before, my brothers and sisters. Asmodai will fail Hell. Yet my wisdom is but a whimper of wind before your deaf ears.'
'Asmodai is the lame itself.'
'Did you hear what Asmodai said? To keep Hell the way it was that Morningstar left and returns. Wretched fantasy. Lucifer knew this was going to happen and left us to our own devices. Such leadership. Curses and damnation to our servitude. We are betrayed by our king!'
'Did you hear what Asmodai said? He was going to fight Man. To plunge mankind into Hell to compensates the souls we lost to the Fire Angel. Pure stupidity!'
'Asmodai is the weak itself.'
'Did you hear? Did you hear?'
'The song of reason. Listen!'
'Every now and then. I see thunder and strange frowns.'
'Asmodai is their collaborator.'
'Asmodai must be stopped.'
'How? My brothers and sisters? How?'
'Asmodai must be stopped.'
'And he will, my sweetness.'
'Asmodai is just Asmodai itself.'
'We will kill them all. And take the Silver City next. Oh! Do you fiends not salivate at that thought?'
The millions of eyes in the dark of the grave hall blinked incessantly.
The March Towards The Fire Crucifix upon the Infinite Hours.Nongchai felt the nausea more now. He watched the zillion sinners, one behind each back, walking into their sweet doom, their release from this place. Nongchai held back his shivers and green cheeks.
Divinity Courts of Counsel upon the Hundred and Eighty-sixth Candlelights.Balthial, of Thrones, guardian of The Silver City, successor of Gabriel learnt that Ziquiel, her closest ally had joined forces with Kepharel in Hell. Ziquiel had led his archangels to Kepharel's aid.
Ziquiel, of Powers had bought Kepharel's vision of the new kingdom of heaven.
Balthial hang her head in soft resignation as she sang softly to the choir of the Great Seraphims.
The March Towards The Fire Crucifix upon the Infinite Hours.
The sinners tried to help Nongchai up, but he kept bowing over, succumbing to the tumors of pain in his head. The sinners preoccupied by their salvation, left Nongchai alone. Nongchai with his cold guts in the cradle of his arms, dragged his ill body with each pull of his ankle. Under the three suns, Nongchai willed himself to the march. Despite the pain, despite the the nagging thought.
The thought of something foreign in his head. Something other than a cigarette. Something worse.
Tainted Seal Of Angel Samuel, The Estranged Captain of Hosts - Denmark
Oriaries, of Cherubim examined the seal where her comrade's blood was spilled to offend it. Her scout returned to report on Hell. They learnt about trapping of Kepharel and his rouges in the Wall of Gehenna, the timely aid of Ziquiel and the puzzling fact that Asmodai refused to push the entire hordes to annihilate the angels in Hell.
'Asmodai. He must have laid his plans elsewhere.' Said Oriaries. 'He must be thinking of alternatives to harvest souls.'
'Such bizarre battleworks!' Exclaimed Higelot, of Virtues, 'Since when Asmodai the Infernal feared confrontation and seek such cowardice methodology?'
'He's persevering Hell.' Explained Oriaries, 'For Asmodai truly held faith that the Morningstar will return.'
Oriaries ordered her archangels to guard the mortal realm against the invasion of Asmodai.
'Comrade Higelot.' Oriaries asked of his service, 'You are needed back to the Silver City. This Fire Golem of Kepharel is familiar. His uncanny power was precedented. I require your investigation.'
'What about comrade Vvael?' Higelot asked.
'I will seek him out in Gehenna.' Oriaries said.
Another scout returned with strange news. The Red Gates of Oni, the entrance to Hell was gone. It had vaporised into thin air. The geography of Hell was altered. Oni was no longer included.
The March Towards The Fire Crucifix upon the Infinite Hours.Someone was in his head. Someone was in his head. Someone was in his head. Someone was in his head. Someone was in his head.
Nongchai cried as he began to hit himself in the temples to block out the whispers.
Nongchai struggled to keep up with the march.
It would be all fine. Nongchai encouraged himself. Everything will be fine when he throw his bitter flesh into the embrace of the flaming crucifix.
Cocytus - Throne Of Lamentation upon the Infinite Hours.They always came with the darkness, even in Hell. Shadows drawn and cast over Cocytus. The invisible enemies from within beckoned Asmodai the Infernal to give up his charge over Hell.
They began to speak behind the corners of the blackness and the sightless.
'The Chimaera.'
'The Deep Infernal.'
'Of Serpent, Bear and Dragon.'
'We call your names.'
'We summon the titles that bind you to this realm.'
'We drew breaths that end yours.'
'Show thyself. Gamygyn, Glasyalabolas. The marquees and twenty legions of Purgatory.' Croaked Asmodai. 'Remove thy shadow that cloaks my lair and reveal thy schemes. I have more critical matters at hand.'
'Well put, Chimaera.'
'Well intended. Chammadai.'
'Least you know what we bring you.'
'Remember not what we brought others?'
'Great Asmodai. Diminutive Sydonai. You are but you itself.'
'Remember not what we brought others?'
'We are the kings killer.'
'Ah. but you are burden with critical matters at hand.'
'Worry nay, sweet Infernal. We are here to share your burden. One foot that had grown quite the size too big for your shoe to fill.'
'Then come get and me, you miserable dogs.' Asmodai scoffed, 'And stop wasting my time. I got real people to kill.'
In darkness of Lamentation, Asmodai saw eyes.
Wall Of Gehenna - The Scavenger Peak Under The Three Suns upon the Infinite Hours.The Great Fire Spirit, the burning pillar of crucifix had by far incinerated half the population of sinners in Hell. The massacre at the foot of the Wall raged on, spilling blood everywhere on the fallen corpses of the First War.
Some hundred demons realised the eventual fate of Hell surrendered to the hosts.
The seas of sinners continued to come in all directions of Hell to be torched by Eilert Swane.
Nongchai PhromyothiNongchai learnt that he had a demon residing in the back of his mind. His head was imploding with sharps and tension. That demon was a Zephr, envoy of Asmodai himself.
'What... what do you want from me?' Nongchai found himself mumbling.
The voice returned was unnatural and deep, 'You are my chariot to Gehenna, where you sought to submit your flesh. Your head would be the consultation for the Cherubim I seek.'
Nongchai closed his bleeding eyes and saw the image of the Zephr. It was a lion with beaks and talons. It had large wet butterfly wings.
The Vast Valley Of Hinnom - The Children Hell upon the Infinite Hours.Oriaries, of Cherubim had almost lost her way in Hell. It's atlas was so drastically altered with its mandalas misplaced. The Red Gates was gone. There was nothing but vacuum there and it almost pull Oriaries with its suck. And now Hinnom was nowhere to be found too. Oriaries flew around the emptiness for the longest time and managed to trace her way back.
Without sinners, Hell had to fold.
Oriaries must find her way to Gehenna fast.
Nongchai Phromyothi
Nongchai crawled at his head to stop the pressure in his head. In the back of his mind, Nongchai saw that there was an addition to the Zephr daemon's gathering. It was an old man in a rusty wheelchair. The old man suffered from an abdominal injury and seemingly bleeding to death.
'Vvael, of Cherubim.' Called out the Zephr in the mind of Nongchai.
Vvael aroused from the slumber of his fatality and realised that he was in a sinner's mind. Vvael peered at the Zephr who called out to him and said in recognition, 'Angel Iahmel. It's you.'
'Try not to begin our first meeting since a hundred thousand years with insults.' The Zephr said, 'I'm Suicides.'
'Very well. Suicides. Hell will not last for much longer.' Vvael said, 'What are Asmodai's plans?'
'I left Lamentation for a while, seeking you.' Suicides said, 'I couldn't feel my Lord's presence, he might be in trouble. But the last I heard, the hordes were preparing to harvest souls from the mortals.'
'Who would have thought of that? Three realms destroyed overnight.' Vvael shook his head.
'It's bound to happen, angel. Sooner or later. 'Offered Suicides, 'With the long absence of both our masters, tides are just waiting to turn.'
'What can I do you for?' Asked Vvael.
'You are in a poor shape, Vvael.' Observed Suicides, 'The Infernal Dragon thought you would know something helpful but judging by your demise, you are but another victim at your own blindness.'
'It's true, Zephr.' Agreed Vvael. 'I'm iron cast to this wheelchair and served no more value than a witness for things to fall. But if you could get me to the mind of Eilert Swane. I probably could do more.'
'You want to work The Fire Spirit from inside?' Asked Suicides.
'I need to know something from him.' Said Vvael, 'As I beginning to figure about his acquisition of those powers. Surely being one of the first fallen, you could sense it too?'
Divinity Courts of Counsel upon the Three Hundredth Candlelights.Balthial, of Thrones granted an audience to a saved.
'Saul.' Said Balthial. 'You wanted to see me?'
'Great Balthial. Something is happening in the worlds beyond Heaven. Something terrible, is it not?' Asked Saul earnestly.
'This is not a subject for your concern, Saul.' Replied Balthial.
'Something terrible, Great Angel.' Saul pleaded, 'The Hasche Ocean was gone.'
Balthial was so preoccupied by her dilemma over invading Hell that she realised that she had neglected the welfare of Heaven. The Silver City being the impregnable fortress had taken for granted for a long time that it was thought it could never suffer from any corruptible fate.
Balthial step up a flight and saw that the geography of Heaven was irreversibly altered.
And something else was odd too.
The unfamiliar tranquility of The Silver City.
That was when Balthial, of Thrones realised that the Seraphims had stopped singing praises to God.
Balthial rushed to the sanctuary that held His empty throne. The sanctuary was long gone.
Cocytus - Throne Of Lamentation upon the Infinite Hours.All was left was its screeching voice.
The scout with sunshine feathers and talons squawked uneasily, 'The! Calamity! The Calamity! The! Red! Lust! Beguiled! Our! Benefactor! Our Nation! Builder! Our Master! Caught! With! His! Eyes! Forever! Shut! The! Calamity! The! Calamity! Befall!'
The great hall of Lamentation laid the dead bodies of
Purgatory legions, away with life, away with their shadows.
The wailing river of Cocytus was depleted.
Asmodai was nowhere to be found, though his foul blood stank the air.
All was left was the little abhorrence's screeching voice.
Trailing off into an unimaginable fate.
Nongchai PhromyothiNongchai never felt so motivated before.
With an archangel and an archdemon inside the suffocating hold of his mind, all he could felt was the pain of universes imploding one after another.
Nongchai knew he had better get to the Fire Spirit fast.
He had never felt so motivated to die.
Wall Of Gehenna - The Scavenger Peak Under The Three Suns upon the Infinite Hours.The damned and cursed of the defeated fallen doomed to cast their bodies in Gehenna, embedding the Wall glistered with the blood of the angels that sacrificed in defending the stronghold that harbored the Fire Spirit.
And there were so much blood on animated damned.
Lucifer Morningstar once made a rule that no one was to revive the humiliated fallen at Gehenna. Stone cast and sunned forever.
But there was so much enemies' bloodshed on them.
Oh, the happiness those blood brought them. As if they had won the First War in Heaven.
As if they had won.
And someone broke Lucifer Morningstar's law.
Someone revived them.
One by one, the decayed fallen of the First War opened their crusted eyes and listened for the first time in the hundred thousand years.
The mountain of Gehenna trembled with their joints stretching.
The Wall moved.
Pancia and her champions were defending the Wall from aerial when the base of the Wall opened up and a wide mouth shot straight up and closed on them.
All the devoured angels saw were the endless corridors of teeth.
Gehenna quaked and the cursed fallen of the First War sprung away like wrathful ghouls and assailed the angels' defense from within.
After eating Panica and her champions, Asmodai revealed the whole of his scaly hide by worming out from the base of Gehenna. The giant Infernal Lord unfurled his mighty draconian wings of fourteen spans and screamed blizzards and hailstones.
Firestorm rained down on the hosts.
The exuberant fallen elites of the First War tore the angels apart.
Asmodai screamed until the hosts bled from their ears and he scooped down to devour some more.
Nongchai Phromyothi
Nongchai stared in horrific awe of the distant beast, so illustrious and murderous.
'What... exactly was that?' Nongchai muttered with spit in his mouth.
'Asmodai?' Vvael spoke in the sinner's head, 'He changed his mind?'
'No.' Suicides said, 'Look at his eyes. They are blind. He had been battling something else and they blinded him. A coup! They blinded him of reason and enraged him to instinct. Asmodai had submitted to his base bloodlust he worked so hard and long to overcome. Now he is a true creature.'
Suicides nudged Nongchai with more pains, 'Hurry, wretched one. You have to hurry for worlds' sake!'
Wall Of Gehenna - The Scavenger Peak Under The Three Suns upon the Infinite Hours.Kepharel held his shield against Asmodai's firestorm and charged towards the Infernal's all consuming sun. Kepharel was determined to hold Asmodai back that he didn't realised that his two pairs of angelic wings were scorched in dire purple flames. Kepharel was thrown onto the basalt like a ragged doll, yet he kept charging the Serpent with blind vigor. He was so close. So close in securing Hell.
With a wicked swipe, the Infernal chewed off all Kepharel's wings.
Choking with blood, Kepharel rolled onto the dust, extinguishing the purple fire on him.
'You nefast.' Smiled Kepharel in his teeth full of blood and membrane. 'I got you corner, villain.'
The Fire Spirit had burnt more than ninety percentage of population of Hell.
It was enough to fold Hell.
Asmodai roared in rage and all beings the radius of his shadow covered, were crushed instantly.
All the Infernal could hear was the fairy's laughter.
Asmodai spread his draconian wings and sped to The Fire Steward.
The Chimarea of Accusing Lies collapsed into The Great Fire Angel.
Millions swords of lights exploded and everyone was blinkered by its blight.
In the back of their minds; be it sinners, angels or the demons, they heard Asmodai's last percipientation.
'I hath seen the greater plan. Oh! What terrible consequences of free will love-drunk with grandiosity and treason hearts against our destinies. Perhaps we're more base than Man themselves. And so let shame celebrate our existence! And, let sad shame peck the remains of our guilty corpses!'
Spit out by the crucifix of fire; enveloped in smoke and barrages, Asmodai reduced to his extrangled form from ten hundred thousand years ago when he was beautiful and had Seraphim wings.
Kepharel stood up holding his wounds. The Inferno was silent with the Infernal's heedless defeat, except for the crunching sounds made hollow by incinerating the sinners.
Kepharel raised his fist and thundered his victory, 'The nether realm is subdued! Hell is ours!'
The battle worn hosts cheered.
To be continued...