Once upon a time.
Here we go.
Once upon a time, there was an unpopular landlord's daughter. Spoilt by her wealthy father who owned the most lands in the province, she was wilful and abominable to be around. She adored attention, but couldn't seem to seek them in proper manners.
She would break a rabbit's leg just so she could heal it back to life for everyone to see.
She would hurt herself so that she would see her maids punished and gained satisfaction from her father's fawning and worrying.
As a result, the landlord's daughter grew up to be a very lonely person.
The landlord himself was nary a decent character himself. He would con the peasants' hard earned money and often work them to death. So one fucking fine day, some of the more disgruntled peasants decided that they had no more to lose, and hatched a plan to kidnap the landlord's daughter for ransom and raped her to death.
Their plan was foiled by Tooka, a poor man's son. For he was righteous and saved the landlord's daughter, delivering her out of harm's way, and becoming the province's hero. The landlord's daughter was utterly smitten by her shinning knight in the armor and swore that she would marry Tooka.
Now, Tooka's heart already belonged to his fiance. And so the landlord's daughter started to spread lies around the province, accusing the fiance's fidelity. The rumors didn't achieve far as Tooka's love was steadfast to even hear a word of it
Tooka's mother then grew sick with Tuberculosis which was a poor man's disease in that era and reaped many peasants' lives. The landlord's daughter took Tooka's family into her rich residence, entrusting his ill mother under the care of the best physicians. That went on for half a year, in which the landlord's daughter spent every waking hours courting Tooka with gifts and affections.
For six months, Tooka and his fiance was apart.
However, Tooka was never stirred and only promised to work harder to repay this debt.
That angered the landlord's daughter and made her even more determined to possess Tooka's love.
One day, in private she challenged Tooka's fiance to prove her love by drinking poisonous wine. The fiance died, proving her eternal love for Tooka. Upon mourning, Tooka cried himself blind.
Before his fiance was even properly buried, Tooka was imprisoned in the landlord's residence. And the day of burial, the landlord's daughter forced marriage upon Tooka with the threat of his parents lives. Tooka never spoke a single word again.
To prevent Tooka from escaping, she locked Tooka with tight claws of iron chains and was happy that she had Tooka. She visited Tooka like a pet in his dungeon twice a day. Years went by and unknowingly to all, the locks she had for Tooka was too tight and Tooka's legs grew gangrene and had to be amputated.
Tooka's parents could no longer bear the sight of their child suffering, yet they did not have the power to release him from the bond of his wretched marriage, they did what merciful parents would have do to protect their children.
That night, Tooka's parents sneaked into the dungeon to murder Tooka.
Alas, the landlord's daughter was there and very furious with the folks for trying to take away her only love. In Tooka's presence, she threaten to kill his parents if Tooka still wouldn't say a word to her,
Consumed by her anger, the landlord's daughter killed Tooka's parents even he opened his mouth, pleading for them.
Tooka crawled over his parents' bodies and felt around.
When he felt it, he smiled.
A smile in over seven years.
For he found his father's knife. The very knife he was going to be murdered with.
Tooka craved out his heart, threw it to the landlord's daughter and died reuniting with his loved ones in another world.
The landlord's daughter remained bitterly lonely for the rest of her life.